A brick building with a domed roof in the middle, and two banners, blue with yellow emblems at the top, hanging on either side of a front door

Armchair Detectives and the Allure of Death in Miniature at the Smithsonian

White woman with graying hair sits at a desk on which the components of a future diorama - a tiny doll sized chair, a doll she is building, and other iteams, are strewn across the desk

Murder, She Miniatured: Frances Glessner Lee and The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death

photo of a needle on top of white powder, presumably heroine, with a spoon

The Opioid Epidemic as Metaphor

screen shot of Caroline Criado Perez's website, which includes a laptop with a photo of her book, Invisible Women, as the background of the laptop screen

The Absence of Presence: Caroline Criado Perez’s Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men

Sunday Morning Medicine

Cream colored card which says Juliet Stuart Poyntz, Jersey City, NJ at the top, with a quote next to a photo of her. The quote says "At her command the place learned to rise." She is a white woman with a pinned up hair style and wearing a high collared white lace dress.

The Disappearance of Juliet Stuart Poyntz

Going Baroque for Babies

Who Was the Original “Welfare Queen?”: Review of Josh Levin’s The Queen: The Forgotten Life Behind an American Myth

Sunday Morning Medicine

“The Inflamed Egotism of Women:” Emma Simpson and the Limits of the Unwritten Law