Sunday Morning Medicine

Cream colored card which says Juliet Stuart Poyntz, Jersey City, NJ at the top, with a quote next to a photo of her. The quote says "At her command the place learned to rise." She is a white woman with a pinned up hair style and wearing a high collared white lace dress.

The Disappearance of Juliet Stuart Poyntz

Going Baroque for Babies

Who Was the Original “Welfare Queen?”: Review of Josh Levin’s The Queen: The Forgotten Life Behind an American Myth

Sunday Morning Medicine

“The Inflamed Egotism of Women:” Emma Simpson and the Limits of the Unwritten Law

How I Met My Mother: The Story of an Unexpected Pregnancy

Photo of a family sitting on a couch around a table, on which a young boy is drawing. Two elderly people sit in the middle of the couch, flanked by two younger men, who are flanked by two younger women. Three young women stand behind the couch.

The Japanese Imperial Family Invented

Black and white photo of a fetus in a uterus.

This is Not a Culture of Life, This is a Culture of Un-Death

Sunday Morning Medicine