Nursing Clio Prize for Best Journal Article
The Nursing Clio Prize for Best Journal Article is awarded annually for the best peer-reviewed academic journal article on the intersection of gender and medical histories in English. The award consists of a $300 cash prize and a featured interview on the blog about the article.
For the 2025 prize, submissions are open to any article published in 2024, and we encourage self-nominations. Any Nursing Clio writer or reader is eligible with the exception of NC staff. The deadline for submissions is April 15, 2024. Please send a PDF copy of the original article, as well as a PDF copy of the article without any identifying information (including your name and the name of the journal) to prize@nursingclio.org. The Chairs of the committee Kristin Brig-Ortiz, Co-chair and Anna Weerasinghe, Co-chair can address any questions on submissions. We will announce the winner in June.
Send inquiries and submissions to prize@nursingclio.org.
The 2025 Prize Committee members: Debra Blumenthal, Cara Delay, Jakob Burnham, Kristin Brig-Ortiz and Anna Weerasinghe (Co-chairs)
Winner: Debra Blumenthal, “As [Healthy] Women Should’: Enslaved Women, Medical Experts, and ‘Hidden’ Menstrual Disorders in Late Medieval Mediterranean Slave Markets,” The American Historical Review, Volume 128, Issue 4, December 2023, pp. 1558–1586.
Honorable Mention: Cara Delay, “In All Circumstances’: Home Births and Collaborative Health Care in Ireland, 1900-1950,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Volume 97, Number 3, Fall 2023, pp. 394-422.
Winner: Courtney E. Thompson, “Child-Mothers and Invisible Fathers: The Paradox of ‘Precocious Maternity’ and the Pervasiveness of Child Sexual Abuse in Nineteenth-Century America,” Journal of Women’s History, Volume 34, Number 4, Winter 2022, pp. 125-146
Read the interview with Courtney about this article.
Honorable Mention: Hannah Katherine Hicks, “A Conjure Woman in Court: African American Conjurers as Health Practitioners and Performative Poisoners in the Post-Emancipation South,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Volume 96, Number 4, Winter 2022, pp. 639-660
Winner: Elizabeth O’Brien, “The Many Meanings of Aborto: Pregnancy Termination and the Instability of a Medical Category over Time,” Women’s History Review 30, no. 6 (2021): 952–970.
Read the interview with Elizabeth about this article.
Honorable Mention: Rachel Elder, “White Suits and Kangaroo Kills: Making Men’s Careers in American Nursing,” Gender and History 34, no. 1 (March 2022): 153-178.
Honorable Mention: Adria L. Imada, “Family History as Disability History: Native Hawaiians Surviving Medical Incarceration,” Disability Studies Quarterly 41, no. 4 (Fall 2021): 1-27.
Winner: Carla Cevasco, “‘Look’d Like Milk’: Colonialism and Infant Feeding in the English Atlantic World,” Journal of Early American History 10, no. 2–3 (2020): 147–178.
Read the interview with Carla about this article.
Honorable Mention: Sarah Mellors, “The Trouble with Rubbers: A History of Condoms in Modern China,” NAN NÜ, 20, no. 1 (2020): 150–178.
Winner: Wangui Muigai, “‘Something Wasn’t Clean’: Black Midwifery, Birth, and Postwar Medical Education in All My Babies,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 93, no. 1 (Spring 2019): 82–113.
Read the interview with Wangui about this article.
Honorable Mention: Travis Weisse, “‘Alone in a Sea of Rib-Tips’: Alvenia Fulton, Natural Health, and the Politics of Soul Food,” Journal of the History of Medicine and the Allied Sciences 74, no. 3 (July 2019): 292–315.