If you’ve been watching television lately, you’ve probably seen Merck’s recent ads for Gardasil, the most widely used vaccine for […]

If you’ve been watching television lately, you’ve probably seen Merck’s recent ads for Gardasil, the most widely used vaccine for […]
“I should probably get an IUD, right?” These past couple of weeks I’ve heard this question more than ever, as my […]
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news Fashion for the grave. What are tussie-mussies? Medicine wants […]
[gblockquote source=’Bettina Judd, patient.‘]HOW TO MEASURE PAIN I In the woman it is a checklist: Can you imagine anything worse […]
My friend’s father is in the hospital, and it’s been rough. His cancer treatment did not go as expected. “He’s […]
Recently, Italian journalist Claudio Gatti allegedly “outed” the popular Italian novelist Elena Ferrante by publishing in the New York Review […]
Instead of our weekly check-up of news, we’re dedicating this space to organizations you can donate your time and money: American […]
In June 1958, Mildred Jeter and Richard Perry Loving married in the District of Columbia. The couple then returned to […]
“I’ve been discriminated against because I am a woman, because I am black, because I am poor, because I am […]
Nearing the blessed close of what has been an absurd Presidential election cycle, one thing is clear: Barbara Jordan would […]
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