Prince playing guitar in the center, looking at the guitar, dark background

Sex and the Purple Guy

Bathroom with blue door and blue and white gender inclusive sign

Fear-mongering from Anita Bryant to Houston’s Proposition 1

Hillary Clinton smiling

Why I’m a Hillary Supporter

March Madness and the Sterilization of Basketball Fans

A poster of lysol's commercial

Tea Kettles and Turpitudes: Abortion and Material Culture in Irish History

A violet knit uterus

Take Back the Knit: A Feminist History of Knitting in the US

“Serving the People”: A Review of The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution

Finding a Voice: Agency and Trans Issues

hairy legs on the left and one hairless legs on the right, questioning which are from man and which are from woman

Pink Brain, Blue Brain: Do Opposites Attract?

A cartoon version of a Spiderwoman on the left, a woman mimicking Spiderwoman on the right

Femme Fixation and The Male Gaze