“Sorry,” I say, “Sorry, but would you mind giving me the directions again a little slower? I have a visual […]

“Sorry,” I say, “Sorry, but would you mind giving me the directions again a little slower? I have a visual […]
Originally published by Tropics of Meta on April 21, 2016. For a generation of youth — queer and non-queer alike […]
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news 2,400-year-old life advice. “Fishwife” was supposed to be an […]
“WALKER, Mary Edwards (Nov. 26, 1832 – Feb. 21, 1919), Civil War medical worker, dress reformer, and eccentric.” So begins […]
This month, National Poetry Month, we encounter a poem both contemporary and historical — “Pink Hollyhocks,” a piece from Diane […]
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news Have you got the pox? The magic of Tower […]
In a recent campaign interview with Chris Matthews, presidential candidate Donald Drumpf contended “there has to be some form of […]
The Indiana legislature claims it wants to protect unborn children and their parents. Last week Governor Mike Pence gave his […]
Often being a hip-hop fan means learning how to deal with the sudden loss of beloved artists. It always feels […]
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news A brief history of plaid. The Victorian flea circus. […]
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