Unless we’re toiling away in an English PhD program, most of us don’t pause in our daily lives to read […]

Unless we’re toiling away in an English PhD program, most of us don’t pause in our daily lives to read […]
If you haven’t heard of Claire Wyckoff, the San Francisco woman who copywrites by day for a global advertising firm […]
Breasts are everywhere in popular culture. This is nothing new. And yet I’ve been struck in recent years by the resurgence of the breastfeeding body in visual culture and contemporary art. It’s apparently a big deal (i.e., magazine-cover newsworthy) that Salma Hayek, Alanis Morrisette, Tori Spelling, Kourtney Kardashian, Angelina Jolie, Christina Aguilera, and many other celebrities breastfeed their babies.
A visit to the vibrator museum
Supersize Me’s Morgan Spurlock tackles the evolution of male health and beauty treatments in his new documentary, Mansome.
Are many Baby Boomer’s unknowingly carrying a potentially deadly disease?
The scary consequences of “fetal harm laws”
Feministe looks at feminism, breasts (natural or augmented), and empowering art
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