A gallery of fruits photos

But It’s Vintage Lifestyle Change: Surveying the History of American Orthorexia with the Whole30

A black and white photo of a group of people marching with slogans

Women, Animals, and the Poetry of Activism

A collection of Mothers' Day stamps

Mommy Wars of Yore: Classism and its Casualties

An oil painting of a woman wearing blue blue dress entering a bright room

“The Only Menstrual Murderess”: Blood, Guns, and a Theory of Female Crime

A picture of Denver's building and city view from above

Denver’s One-Lung Army: Disease, Disability, and Debility in a Frontier City

A sketching of a man raising a flag, standing by a cannon

Whipped: An Editor, a Lady, and the (Not So) Humorous History of Women’s Anger

A black and white photo of Johnstown flood in 1889

Public Health and the Dead at Johnstown

A black and white picture of a man holding a turkey

The Paradox of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Lego

Nursing Thanksgiving

A black and white picture of a group of man surrounding and reading a piece of paper to a woman looked anxious

“She Looks the Abortionist and the Bad Woman”: Sensation, Physiognomy, and Misogyny in Abortion Discourse