Sunday Morning Medicine

A brown wood closet interior, with purses stacked on a top shelf, shoes lining a smaller interior shelf, and shirts and pants hanging on hangers.

Marie Kondo and Books: Tidying Up the Misconceptions

A woman (Briallen Hopper) in a blue sun dress stands at a recreation of a ship's wheel, looking into the distance.

“Acknowledgments in Essay Form:” Briallen Hopper’s Hard to Love

Black and white photo of three soldiers knelling inside of a building, possibly a church?, one is manning a machine gun, circa WW1.

Colorizing and Fictionalizing the Past: A Review of Peter Jackson’s They Shall Not Grow Old

Sunday Morning Medicine

Take Back the Net: Joy Rankin’s A People’s History of Computing in the United States

Discovery, Interrupted

Sunday Morning Medicine

Quacks, Alternative Medicine, and the U.S. Army in the First World War

“Remember—Don’t Drill a Hole in Your Head”: A Review of The Sawbones Book