The Lady with the Alligator Purse

Poster of red dead redemption II, two cowboys heading to a city under the sunset,

Mange, Morphine, and Deadly Disease: Medicine and Public Health in Red Dead Redemption 2

Teaching Abélard and Héloïse

At the Crossroads of Comfort TV and Comfort Food

Sunday Morning Medicine

Elizabeth Warren standing behind a podium and microphone in a black jacket and teal scarf, a campaign sign declaring "WARREN" in large text and "" in smaller text. There is a crowd of people behind her.

Manly Firmness: It’s Not Just for the 18th Century (Unfortunately)

Femininity and Legitimacy: Policing Women and “Witches” in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Sunday Morning Medicine

Statue of a man wearing a kilt, with a girl child clutching at his hands.

Emigration as Epidemic: Perspectives on the Eighteenth-Century Scottish Highlands

Sketch of the author Colette's face and hair in profile.

Colonial Colette: From Orientalism and Egyptian Pantomime to Polaire’s Jamaican “Slave”