purple handled pregnancy test on a white background

Over-the-Counter Anxiety: Selling the Home Pregnancy Test

Hannah Gadbsy and the Comedy of the History Lecture

Sunday Morning Medicine

Disappointed Love and Dangerous Temptations: Textile Factories and True Crime

Searching for Solidarity in Madeline Miller’s Circe

Sarah Handley-Cousins poses in front of a living wall, with lots of green leafys behind her

Civil War Disability in the Light and the Dark: An Interview with Sarah Handley-Cousins

illustration of a white man in a black suit and top hat shooting another white man, who is lying on the ground with one arm raised in defense, while yet another white man in a black suit and top hat watches in the background.

“Ample Justification for the Deed”: Public Interest in the “Sickles Tragedy” as Gender Performance

Black and white photo of men marching with a banner that reads "AIDS: we need research not hysteria"

AIDS and AIDS Activism in the 1980s United States: A Syllabus

The Queer Truth: Sarah Schulman’s People in Trouble

Naomi Wolf at a podium

Notes on Outrages from Reviewer #2