In December of 2016, I wrote an essay for Nursing Clio called Nurse-Midwives are With Women, Walking a Middle Path […]

In December of 2016, I wrote an essay for Nursing Clio called Nurse-Midwives are With Women, Walking a Middle Path […]
“Merry Christmas!” It was the standard December greeting in the New Jersey town where I was raised. New Jersey is […]
I would call it a “pet peeve,” but the stakes are higher: I can’t stand policy arguments based on inaccurate […]
When I was 19, I had a summer job supervising a playground. It was a pretty lame job. It paid […]
I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Sharrona Pearl about her new book, Face/On: Transplants and the Ethics of […]
“If men could menstruate,” Gloria Steinem observed wryly in an iconic 1978 essay for Ms. magazine, “[s]anitary supplies would be […]
There’s nothing better than kicking back with a light read in the warm months of the year. Summer is a […]
Last year I learned how to chop a carrot with my eyes closed. While being filmed. Sounds like one of […]
For three decades, my dad’s brothers framed houses. The three of them had a small construction business in rural Connecticut. […]
In childbirth politics as in all politics, extreme viewpoints make the news, and sensible centrists are ignored. A couple of […]
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