Dr. Hanne Blank Boyd is a writer, editor, and consultant whose published work lies at the intersection of bodies, selves, […]

Dr. Hanne Blank Boyd is a writer, editor, and consultant whose published work lies at the intersection of bodies, selves, […]
Anti-trans bills are popping up all over the place in various contexts. Some are meant to restrict trans girls and […]
This year’s Intersex Awareness Day, October 26, marked a historic pivot. A few days before, Boston Children’s Hospital revealed that […]
Who should decide whether medical intervention on a child’s body is necessary? Ideally, the person who will undergo the treatment […]
On the morning that my daughter-in-law went into labor, a small bird crashed into our apartment window and lay dead […]
The startling knowledge that the Polish nobleman and military leader, Casimir Pulaski, a hero of the American Revolution, may have […]
A memo circulating through the Trump Administration proposes that several government agencies should define sex as “a person’s status as […]
On August 5, the World News Daily Report published an article that has been circulating on my Facebook newsfeed every […]
Originally published as “Pronoun Privilege” in the New York Times on September 25, 2016. My fall classes started recently, and […]
Mammogram waiting rooms are sometimes different from other medical waiting areas. If you’re going to get an x-ray of your […]
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