When Robert Lewis Dear Jr. was finally taken into custody after opening fire on a Colorado Springs, Colorado Planned Parenthood […]

When Robert Lewis Dear Jr. was finally taken into custody after opening fire on a Colorado Springs, Colorado Planned Parenthood […]
In the opening scene of The Knick, Steven Soderbergh’s period drama about a fictionalized version of the Knickerbocker Hospital in […]
Two recent events have made me return to my favorite TV show of all time, Friday Night Lights, a well-written […]
This post is dedicated to Clayton Fagner Alves Dias, soldado da PM N. 96008. On February 20, 2015, a nineteen-year-old […]
Two women’s deaths resulting from clandestine abortions recently shocked the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In August 2014, 27-year-old […]
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