Sunday Morning Medicine
This Week’s Telling the Bees: What Constitutes Personhood: Georgia Case Sets Precedent Where’s the Lysol??…
Challenging the “Great Man” Narrative: Imagining the Voices of Women in the History of Sex and Reproduction
Historians of marginalized groups face a common problem: the people about whom they want to…
Sunday Morning Medicine
This Week’s Telling the Bees: The Uncertain Future of Midwives in TX Hand Her the…
Neurodivergence is Not a Moral Defect
Mere hours after the Senate confirmed Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as Secretary of Health and…
Sunday Morning Medicine
To celebrate this past International Women’s Day, here is a round-up of how some women…
Interview with Nursing Clio Prize 2024 Honorable Mention Cara Delay
For Nursing Clio’s fifth annual best article prize competition, we awarded an honorable mention to…
Educational Activism: Creating an AP U.S. Women’s History Course
We represent a large group of teachers and students working together to lead a national…
‘The Moral Ideas of the Community’: Censorship and Irish-Catholic Nation Building
Though Ireland has never had an official state religion, Catholicism played a prominent role in…
The US Department of Health and Human Services: Its Importance in the Past and Present
We, as historians of medicine, express our support for the federal agencies and regulations that…
We Present Our TENTH Best of List
It’s been a year, folks. And for the tenth year in a row, we crowd-sourced…