An image of a woman backlit and standing behind a sheet.

Challenging the “Great Man” Narrative: Imagining the Voices of Women in the History of Sex and Reproduction

Interview with Nursing Clio Prize 2024 Honorable Mention Cara Delay

The US Department of Health and Human Services: Its Importance in the Past and Present

Menstrual pads, tampons, and a menstrual cup on a pink background.

Periods on the Table: Taking stock of the menstrual equity movement in Canada

A blue circle with two smaller circles inside.

Beyond IVF: Eugenics and Reproductive Biotechnology

Tim Walz smiling at a speakers' podium

“Tampon Tim” and the Politics of Periods

Two pairs of adult hands hold a baby's feet.

Call in the Midwife: Gendered Medical Knowledge and Colonial Intermediaries in French India

Personhood Politics: Decoding Alabama’s Reproductive Discourse

Painting of a woman giving birth at home.

The Strange Nostalgia of Childbirth

Colored drawing of conjoined twins and a baby with four arms and four legs.

Fetal Remains, Knowledge, and the Making of Early Modern Monsters