A woman sits at a desk with a laptop, two children playing behind her.

Working Mothers

Walls of Moms: Maternal Bodies and Public Space in Portland and Argentina

“Shock from Loss”: The Reality of Grief in the First World War

Oil painting showing Jenner kneeling and administering a vaccine to a child in its mothers arms with a standing man and child watching

“The Mommy Instinct” and Vaccinations

Old advertisement depicting a woman seated at a table, wearing a robe and holding an infant. There is a beer on the table

The Magic Liquid that Guarantees the Life of the Infant: Breast Milk as a Superfood

A collection of Mothers' Day stamps

Mommy Wars of Yore: Classism and its Casualties

A pair of hand signing a piece of paper on the desk with some groceries on it

Making WIC Work