A man with a bayonet attacks a woman,and her child as they sit on the ground near a fallen man

A Double-Edged Sword: War and Motherhood in Nineteenth-Century Latin America

Sex, Death, and Atole at the Royal Indian Hospital

A black and white picture of people protesting on the street, holding slogans

Joan Scott, Liberalism, and Abortion Rights

Public Theater and Health Care in the Early Modern Spanish World

Dying to Heal: Women and Syphilis in Colonial Lima, Peru

Photo of a red adobe walled courtyard with potted cacti and a tall domed tan building beyond the walls.

Health Care in Colonial Peruvian Convents

Medicina/Medicine: A Special Nursing Clio Series on Latin America and the Caribbean

When the Man Gets You Down… Or the Power of Transnational Feminism

Agency and Abortion in Brazil