She was alone. The men and women of the domain were all gone. In their flight, they’d set the castle […]

She was alone. The men and women of the domain were all gone. In their flight, they’d set the castle […]
In May 2019, as now Emperor Emeritus Akihito passed the Chrysanthemum Throne to his son Emperor Naruhito, the world watched […]
With the abdication today of the Japanese emperor, Akihito, and the passage of the throne to his son, talk has […]
I was a seventeen-year-old college freshman when I realized I was being stalked. It started when a 27-year-old graduate student, […]
The American Association for the History of Nursing is so pleased to partner with Nursing Clio for this special series, […]
By Jacqueline Antonovich
-The Stockholm Syndrome turns 40.
-Nursery of the future (circa 1930s).
-The rise of the sex manual.
-19th-century men who killed their children.
-Prehistoric humans also hated bland food.
-Archivists work to preserve gay home movies.
-A midcentury map of American folklore.
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