In January 1833, an author known only as O’G published their musings on the Irish funeral cry, or caoine, in […]

In January 1833, an author known only as O’G published their musings on the Irish funeral cry, or caoine, in […]
If you’ve heard about any historical romance, then you’ve probably heard of Outlander. The popular series by Diana Gabaldon follows […]
After the body of twenty-five-year-old Dublin woman Lizzie O’Neill, also known as “Honor Bright,” was found in June 1925, Irish […]
The mother pleaded with them and asked them if they had daughters or sisters of their own. Without answering they […]
On the evening of April 17, 1956, thirty-three-year-old Helen O. visited nurse Mamie Cadden at 17 Hume Street, Dublin, for […]
On June 22, 2018, US Representative Ted Lieu, a Democrat from California’s 33rd District, stood on the floor of the […]
Citizens of the Republic of Ireland will vote on a referendum on May 25, 2018 to potentially overturn the state’s […]
When the Irish Free State created the Censorship of Publications Board in 1929, they were arguably asserting their independence.1 By […]
Traveling through Ireland in 1909, writer Robert Lynd described “a strange crying—almost a lamentation” that one might hear “on some […]
When he brought her to the asylum, twenty-four-year old Katie’s father was asked to describe what behaviors or actions had […]
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