¡Escúchanos! Immigration and Reproductive Politics

Museum Educators Unite: Unionizing the Lower East Side Tenement Museum

Statue of a man wearing a kilt, with a girl child clutching at his hands.

Emigration as Epidemic: Perspectives on the Eighteenth-Century Scottish Highlands

Painting of four women, one handing a newly delivered baby to the mother.

Reproductive Justice and Midwifery on the US-Mexico Border

Family Separation Is Not Only an American Legacy — It’s a Racist One

Illustration shows Uncle Sam as the "Pied Piper" playing a pipe labeled "Lax Immigration Laws" and leading a horde of rats labeled "Jail Bird, Murderer, Thief, Criminal, Crook, Kidnapper, Incendiary, Assassin, Convict, Bandit, Fire Brand, White Slaver, [and] Degenerate", and some carry signs that read "Black Hand" showing a black handprint. In the background, rulers from "France, Russia, Germany, Italy, Hungary/Austria, Turkey, [and] Greece", along with citizens of these countries, are cheering the fleeing rats.

From Mooktie to Juan: The Eugenic Origins of the “Defective Immigrant”

A panoramic desert landscape with a lot of sand, mountains in the background, and long rows of military style barracks.

What Will Today’s Immigration Detention Centers Look like to Future Americans?

Itinerant Tacos: A Brief History of Tortilla Factories

A black and white photo of a group of guards/soldiers checking a group of people

Eyes of the Beholder: The Public Health Service Reports on Trachoma in White Appalachia and Indian Country

A black and white photo of a doctor and a nursing doing surgery for the patient lying in bed

Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free: Tuberculosis in Progressive Era New York City