Sunday Morning Medicine

Sunday Morning Medicine

By Jacqueline Antonovich

-House snooping in 1970s Brooklyn.
-21 vintage recipes that should not exist.
-Scientists decode early strain of Cholera.
-This historic house can be yours for free.
-The original artwork for The Little Prince.
-14 really questionable vintage cigarette ads.

Sunday Morning Medicine

Sunday Morning Medicine

By Jacqueline Antonovich

-When cowboys wore pink.
-How humans created cats.
-American boys and their guns.
-Cakewalks were not actually a cakewalk.
-A history of Hollywood’s publicity racket.
-A map of the weirdest sex laws in the U.S.
-An early-20th century anti-coffee ad campaign.

Sunday Morning Medicine

By Jacqueline Antonovich

-Life in a 1949 circus.
-WWII ration cookbooks.
-An 1870 gender ratio map of the U.S.
-Poisons, potions, and unicorn horns.
-The history of lobotomized U.S. soldiers.
-The first ransom note in American history.
-Will the real Santa Claus please stand up?

Sunday Morning Medicine

By Jacqueline Antonovich

-Chernobyl’s hot mess.
-Is sex really good exercise?
-How America learned to love whiskey.
-“Piss prophets” and the Wheel of Urine.
-Photos of Adolf Hitler’s Christmas party.
-The accidental birth of wrapping paper.
-Gene therapy helps “bubble boy” children.

Sunday Morning Medicine

Sunday Morning Medicine

Sunday Morning Medicine

Sunday Morning Medicine