Painting of a woman giving birth at home.

The Strange Nostalgia of Childbirth

First Lady Betty Ford stands on top of a cabinet table and poses.

First Lady In Motion: Betty Ford and the Public Eye

A row of women wearing early twentieth-century gym suits emblazoned with 1902. Some girls are sitting in large wicker baskets.

On the Move: How Sports Clothes Became Fashion?

A man sits with a woman in his lap. She touches his face while he caresses her chest.

Sex Lives

Two rows of shelves lined with archival boxes disappear into the distance.

Money in the Archives: Collection and Recollection

Copy of a North Carolina birth certificate

Life Before Conception: Gamete Personhood in the Wake of Dobbs

A silver spoon with salt sits on a marble surface.

Simple Goiter: A Woman’s Disease and a Woman’s Problem to Solve

Black and white photograph of two rows of hospital beds.

In 19th-Century Philadelphia, Female Medical Students Lobbied Hard for Mutual Aid

Marker, pen and colour pencils on A3 paper, drawing of an x-ray view of uterine lining being shed, with ovaries, fallopians, etc

Exploring Critical Menstrual Studies in the Nordic Region: The Importance of Local Specificities

A drawing of an Indian woman making her bed.

The Nayikas of the Natyashastra: Reflections on Fatphobia and Colorism in India