A picture of Denver's building and city view from above

Denver’s One-Lung Army: Disease, Disability, and Debility in a Frontier City

Sex and Gender in a Petri Dish

A sketching of a man raising a flag, standing by a cannon

Whipped: An Editor, a Lady, and the (Not So) Humorous History of Women’s Anger

No Safe Spaces: Missouri, ISIS, and What We Can Do About It

Thanksgiving Lego

Nursing Thanksgiving

A poster centering a housewife cleaning the floor, with commercial slogans on the right side.

How Dusty are Your Baseboards?: The Politics of Domestic Labor

Picture of a classroom with light yellow war

Teaching Sexuality, Gender, and Race in Middle School

Pregnancy, Fear, and Conformity

Gallery of feet with painted nails

Summer, Now Known as Pedicure Season

Vagina Dialogues

By Elizabeth Reis

Students at Mt. Holyoke College are protesting the annual performance of Eve Ensler’s feminist classic, The Vagina Monologues. Their gripe with the play is that by focusing on vaginas, the play perpetuates “vagina essentialism,” suggesting that ALL women have vaginas and that ALL people with vaginas are women. Transgender and intersex people have taught us that this seemingly simple “truth” is actually not true. There are women who have penises and there are men who have vaginas. Not to mention women born without vaginas! Hence, these Mt. Holyoke critics imply, the play contributes to the erasure of difference by presenting a “narrow perspective on what it means to be a woman,” and shouldn’t be produced on college campuses.