One popular critique of Hillary Clinton, dating back to the beginning of her political career, is that she would never […]

One popular critique of Hillary Clinton, dating back to the beginning of her political career, is that she would never […]
2016 is Terrible, So Go Watch Ghostbusters, Laugh, and Let Feminism Save Us All Dear Ghostbuster boys. Sit down and […]
Oh, Hillary. What a bitch. A liar. A cheat. A man-hater. A one-percenter. The Donald most definitely does NOT rate […]
Although women comprise the majority of voters in the UK, they were noticeably absent in the debates and discussions surrounding […]
Oh, Hillary. What a bitch. A liar. A cheat. A man-hater. A one-percenter. The Donald most definitely does NOT rate […]
I have never known a person who was 100% content with everything about their body, 100% of the time. The […]
Yet another school year has come to a close. Perhaps you’ve just finished your comprehensive exams or defended a dissertation […]
[gblockquote source=”Zora Neale Hurston, “Sweat” (1926)”]“Sweat, sweat, sweat! Work and sweat, cry and sweat, pray and sweat!”[/gblockquote] The topic of […]
Mammogram waiting rooms are sometimes different from other medical waiting areas. If you’re going to get an x-ray of your […]
“Sorry,” I say, “Sorry, but would you mind giving me the directions again a little slower? I have a visual […]
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