A chocolate bar wrapper in Italian

Feeding Fascism, Gender, and Food Work: An Interview with Diana Garvin

Green labels read "!00% Natural Product" and "Natural Bio Product"

Guilt-Free: Naturopathy and the Moralization of Food

Food Media, Gender, and Power: An Interview with Emily Contois

Diners, Dudes, and Diets

A white platter with friend okra, fried chicken, mac and cheese, and collard greens

Alvenia Fulton, Soul Food, and Black Liberation: An Interview with Travis Weisse

Black and white photo of an exterior fish market stall. Two men with long tight braids and loose cotton shirt and pants stand before a table of fish. Another man walks by in the corner of the frame

Absolutely Disgusting: Wet Markets, Stigma Theory, and Xenophobia

The Gender Politics of the “Sexy Chef” in Romance Literature

Butter and the History of U.S. Dietary Guides since 1894

Large group of people marching in a protest holding signs, the largest reads: "Nasty woman."

I Was Trolled – Here’s Why I’m Turning It into a Teaching Opportunity

A page from a cookbook showing a recipe for a Jello-O salad including ingredients such as pear halves, cream cheese, and ginger. The image of the finished salad is a tall column-like shape which is white on the bottom with green jello on top, topped with pear halves.

How To Cook and Cure: Early Modern Recetas