In recent years, the black maternal and fetal health crisis has been front page news, and for good reason. Black […]

In recent years, the black maternal and fetal health crisis has been front page news, and for good reason. Black […]
On April 18, 2018, the United States Senate voted unanimously that both male and female senators could bring infants up […]
News that Senator Tammy Duckworth brought her baby to the Senate floor for a vote thrilled some and infuriated others. […]
I would call it a “pet peeve,” but the stakes are higher: I can’t stand policy arguments based on inaccurate […]
The American Association for the History of Nursing is so pleased to partner with Nursing Clio for this special series, […]
Selecting the sex of an embryo brings up a host of ethical, economic, and political considerations. When the issue arises […]
Sixteen minutes into the second episode of Hulu’s new Handmaid’s Tale, Offred (Elizabeth Moss), having recently given birth to her […]
There’s nothing better than kicking back with a light read in the warm months of the year. Summer is a […]
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