Scenery of a yard with nice buildings surrounded

Why Are So Many Fellowships Residential?

Google logo over a search bar, with a list of common search terms like CDC NEJM JAMA Lancet Cell BMJ Nature Science Elsevier Oxford Wiley med Rxiv

Cite My Name, Cite My Name

Clara Immerwahr: Science’s Tragic and Surprisingly Modern Heroine

Fight Cancer like a Feminist

Photo of an open notebook with the Nursing Clio logo, a pair of glasses, and a blue pen

On the Craft of Editing, Our Teachers, and Leaving Academia

A black and white photo of a woman holding her baby sitting in front of a table

Dorothy Bruce Weske: Academia and Motherhood in the Mid-Twentieth Century

UCLA Allows Sexual Harassment

Parenting in Academia: New Mom + Nursing + Academic Conference = Weekend in Hell