An image of a woman backlit and standing behind a sheet.

Challenging the “Great Man” Narrative: Imagining the Voices of Women in the History of Sex and Reproduction

Interview with Nursing Clio Prize 2024 Honorable Mention Cara Delay

A hand holds out an open book that is burning from the spine outwards.

‘The Moral Ideas of the Community’: Censorship and Irish-Catholic Nation Building

An artificial limb and human hand touch at the index finger.

I’ll Be Right Here: Disability Intimacy & Medical Trauma in E.T.

A sign reading "Ladies" above a doorway.

“The Relationship Between Public Morals and Public Toilets”: Christine Jorgensen and the Birth of Trans Bathroom Panic

A woman sits on her bed, head in hands.

Mach 10 with Her Hair on Fire

A younger person's hand holding the hand of an older person in bed.

A Good Death: The Modern Hospice Movement

A blue circle with two smaller circles inside.

Beyond IVF: Eugenics and Reproductive Biotechnology

A large brown bear in the woods.

Man vs. Bear? TikTok as a Platform for Contemporary Feminist Consciousness Raising

Tim Walz smiling at a speakers' podium

“Tampon Tim” and the Politics of Periods