An image of a woman backlit and standing behind a sheet.

Challenging the “Great Man” Narrative: Imagining the Voices of Women in the History of Sex and Reproduction

Yellowed pages of a book with handwritten, cursive writing.

Gone to China: Risk and Reward in the Travel Diaries of Martha Foster Crawford

A woman sits on her bed, head in hands.

Mach 10 with Her Hair on Fire

An imposing large Georgian-era building, with a long white driveway and manicured treed front lot

Mystery, Adventure, Gender, and Medicine

Horizontal chromolithograph political poster showing five babies marching on the left. The right contains the title "Give Mother the Vote! Our Food, Our Health, Our Play, Our Homes, Our Schools, Our Work Are all regulated by Men's Votes. Think it over, and Give Mother the Vote!"

Interview with Elizabeth Garner Masarik on her book, The Sentimental State: How Women-Led Reform Built the American Welfare State (University of Georgia Press, 2024)

A row of women wearing early twentieth-century gym suits emblazoned with 1902. Some girls are sitting in large wicker baskets.

On the Move: How Sports Clothes Became Fashion?

Gold stars and glitter strewn on a yellow background.

Interview with Nursing Clio Prize 2023 Winner Courtney Thompson

Lithograph of a woman in bed while another woman and a man hold a baby.

Precarity and Pregnancy

Lithograph of a woman in bed while another woman and a man hold a baby.

The Intimate History of Confinement