Just as Nursing Clio has covered #MeToo stories in academia, on the street, and in the bedroom, the movement plays […]

Just as Nursing Clio has covered #MeToo stories in academia, on the street, and in the bedroom, the movement plays […]
The #Metoo movement has made public what women have long known: that sexual assault and harassment are endemic in many […]
When Babe published a first-person account of a young woman’s awful sexual encounter with actor Aziz Ansari, one she later […]
When then-Senator Al Franken was accused of sexual harassment by multiple women this past November, I braced myself for the […]
I am an American woman who has never experienced sexual assault, rape, or coercion. Bully for me, right? This detail […]
It was Friday, and I was indulging myself at the prepared foods bar at Whole Foods, thinking — hoping — […]
[gblockquote source=”Kyle Stephens (survivor of Dr. Larry Nassar)”]Little girls don’t stay little forever. They grow into strong women that return […]
There are two family pictures in a box of photographs that are the only few I have of my father and me. My mother always told me my father doted on me and I was definitely becoming “daddy’s little girl.” Yet, the images of a seemingly happy family are overshadowed by the knowledge that at the time these two pictures were taken, my father had or was raping his stepdaughter: my teenage sister.
By Helen McBride
Last Saturday at an Eminem concert at Slane Castle, outside Dublin, Ireland, a 17-year-old woman was photographed performing oral sex on two males. Unsurprisingly, these photos went viral on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. I’ve been hopeful of Twitter and Facebook recently. In particular the discussion surrounding the #solidarityisforwhitewomen trend inspired a lot of thought about what gender and feminism mean in 2013 and has served as a much needed reminder for white feminists like myself to check our own privilege. That spirit of hope has taken a hit with the Slane Girl Story. Within two days of the Eminem concert, Twitter exploded into a slut-shaming bonanza. The hashtags #slanegirl and #slaneslut trends have taken on the appearance of a free-for-all, cruel, glee-filled, slut-shaming stampede.
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