Painting of a woman giving birth at home.

The Strange Nostalgia of Childbirth

Marker, pen and colour pencils on A3 paper, drawing of an x-ray view of uterine lining being shed, with ovaries, fallopians, etc

Exploring Critical Menstrual Studies in the Nordic Region: The Importance of Local Specificities

A woman in dark hat and a dark dress with a large white bow poses for a portrait.

Why the First Woman Matters: Traversing Barriers in the Archives

A digital tablet displays a partial definition for "anorexia nervosa."

Thoughts on “terminal anorexia nervosa”

Two hands in prayer are lit with a rainbow light.

Trans Theology: Reclaiming Christian Identity and Community Space for Trans People

A blurry picture of polaroids and wine glasses spread out on a table.

It’s Not Like the Movies or Social Media: Let’s Reimagine High School Reunions

A white performer in a fetus costume, black leather jacket and grey hoodie stands downstage in the spotlight, with glasses and a pasted-on mustache, speaking passionately.

Singing and Dancing Fetuses: Art, Life, and Abortion at “The Appointment”

Trans Pregnancy and TikTok Activism: A Shifting Conversation

A Black woman plays a flute made of crystal in a plain white room.

A Duet With History: Lizzo and James Madison’s Crystal Flute

A Black woman's pregnant belly is held by two sets of Black hands.

“If they were white and insured, would they have died?”: Contextualizing the 2022 Texas Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Report