Painting of an operating room, with a nun on the left acting as assisting nurse,and several other men in aprons surrounding the patient

The Handmaids of Surgery: The Role of Nurse Anesthetists

Black and white photo of workshop with charred wood and rubble on the ground.

Screaming Over the Rubble: The Shifting Role of the Family in American Disaster Victim Identification

A scientist in white lab coat and gloves inject liquid into a vial in a lab setting.

The Problem with Medical History in the Age of COVID-19

Two rows of nurses in white uniforms watch as another nurse prepares a hypodermic.

The School of Nursing at Starozakonnych Hospital in Interwar Warsaw: How Amelia Greenwald and Sabina Schindlerówna Challenged Antisemitism in the Nursing Profession

Drawing of a church on fire

When Philadelphia Became a Battlefield, Its Surgeons Bore Witness

A thin white cardboard tube with tiny black lettering lying on a red background. The lettering indicates that this is an ampoule of smallpox vaccine

Ōta Chōu’s Vaccination: Medicine and Modern Girls in 1930s Japanese Painting

A photograph of a nun in a habit standing in the middle of four women in white nurses uniforms. The nurses hold bouquets of flowers.

An Emancipatory Vocation: Nursing in Quebec, 1912–1974

A group of men and women pet several dogs next to a crate reading U.S. Army Dog.

Topper’s GI Benefits, Good Homes, and Vivisection Fears: The Treatment of World War II War Dog Veterans

Predominantly white poster with black and green lettering. Title and caption at top of poster. Visual image is a multicolor world map depicting the prevalence of HIV infection in different countries. A chart on the right side of the poster provides greater detail. Logos for what appear to be the authors' affiliations in lower left corner.

“The Club of the Four Hs”: HIV/AIDS, Race, and Neoliberalism in Argentina

Mary Seacole statue

Mary Seacole and the Politics of Writing Black History in 1980s Britain