A black and white sketching of a public trial, with people gathering in a hall, sitting and focusing on the central stage

Mental Health and Criminal Justice in Civil War Kentucky

A black and white sketching of Mississippi State Institution

Ghosts are Scary, Disabled People are Not: The Troubling Rise of the Haunted Asylum

A black and white picture of doing surgery and sewing

A Cut Above? Cesarean Sections in Brazil

A black and white picture of Hahnemann memorial

All Memorials are Political — Just Ask the Homeopaths

A group of people holding slogans marching for stopping HIV stigma

Obergefell v. Hodges and the Legacy of AIDS

A woman in a group of protesters raising her fist and shouting

Why Stonewall Needs Compton’s

A short passage titled "I WOULD JUST WANT TO FLY"

“I Would Just Want To Fly”: Lydia Pinkham, Women’s Medicine, and Social Networks

A pair of hand signing a piece of paper on the desk with some groceries on it

Making WIC Work

Photo of a large plaza with a large art installation depicting a woman's shadow

Being the Same and Different

A photo of three female wearing traditional cloths, two sitting at the front and one standing behind

The International History of Women’s Medical Education: What Does Imperialism Have To Do With It?