What Women “Want”: Wordsmithing Education Reform Rhetoric

purple handled pregnancy test on a white background

Over-the-Counter Anxiety: Selling the Home Pregnancy Test

Old white lady in a red blazer signs a document with a pen at a big brown desk

The Politics of Reproductive Rights Legislation in the “Modern” South

Uncovering the Convent

Illustration used by the Eugenics Society

The Eugenicists on Abortion

Painting, a young women sits bonneted in a bed with heavy curtains pulled aside, and an older white woman holds out a newborn in a white dress to a white man in a puritan-era black hat and fancy velvet jacket.

A Tale of Two Midwives across Four Centuries

A bunch of mostly white people marching along a bike trail with signs that say women deserve better than abortion and STOP abortion.

The Anti-Abortion Politics of White Women

photo of a needle on top of white powder, presumably heroine, with a spoon

The Opioid Epidemic as Metaphor

Going Baroque for Babies

Photo of a family sitting on a couch around a table, on which a young boy is drawing. Two elderly people sit in the middle of the couch, flanked by two younger men, who are flanked by two younger women. Three young women stand behind the couch.

The Japanese Imperial Family Invented