Cancer DIY: Gendered Politics, Colonialism, and the Circulation of Self-Sampling Screening Technologies in Canada

Will Technology Change How We Understand Interpersonal Violence? Maybe. Probably Not.

A Bloody Sweater and a Pair of Dentures

“Immoderate Menses” or Abortion? Bodily Knowledge and Illicit Intimacy in an 1851 Divorce Trial

“Who but Women Should Manage It?”: Convalescent Home Matrons and Medical Recuperation

Missing Leaf: Placing Cannabis in the American Herbal Renaissance

What Women “Want”: Wordsmithing Education Reform Rhetoric

purple handled pregnancy test on a white background

Over-the-Counter Anxiety: Selling the Home Pregnancy Test

Old white lady in a red blazer signs a document with a pen at a big brown desk

The Politics of Reproductive Rights Legislation in the “Modern” South

Uncovering the Convent