Pathologizing Politics: Eugenics and Political Discourse in the Modern United States

Eugenic Sperm

The Spaces of Screening: Tracing the Spatial Geographies of Mobile Mammography from Carparks to the Cosmos

Where a Pregnancy Can Last for Years: The Remarkable Colonial Reports of Sleeping Pregnancies in the Maghreb

A large room with high ceilings and lines of hospital cots with patients

“Kiss Via Kerchief”: Influenza Warnings in 1918

Carrying Community: The Black Midwife’s Bag in the American South

A Miscarriage of Justice

A man is lying on his side in a hospital bed; Mesha Irizarry sits beside him, a hand on his shoulder

Just Being There: The AIDS Crisis and the Shanti Project’s Hospital Counselor Program

Containing Explosives: The Cold War Link between Bombs and Breasts

Assassination as Cure: Disease Metaphors and Foreign Policy