Walls of Moms: Maternal Bodies and Public Space in Portland and Argentina

“All the World’s a Harem”: Perceptions of Masked Women during the 1918–1919 Flu Pandemic

Woman in Focus: Jessie Tarbox Beals

A birdseye view of the city of Accra, with terra cotta colored roads in a curvy grid, and lots of houses and buildings.

Architecting a “New Normal”? Past Pandemics and the Medicine of Urban Planning

Donald Trump is pictured walking in profile next to a man in military uniform. In big bold letters are #trumpisnotwell

Weaponizing Weakness, Diagnosing by Gif

Two red packaged condoms

“The Sex Lady Talks”: Disability Rights and the Normalization of Sex in a 1980s Institution

Black and white photograph of young people sitting around a table. One is on the phone, others are in conversation with each other.

Psychiatry and Homosexuality Draft Exemptions during the Vietnam War

Postcard - drawing of a classical style three storey building with large columns all along the front, two levels of balconies stretching all along the front, and a grant marble staircase leading up to the 2nd floor entrance

The Children’s Nutrition and Dental Clinics of Mobile: Public Health, Volunteerism, and the Color Line during the Great Depression

A series of currencies, mostly from Pacific nations, taped together in a line.

Lieutenant Lowderback’s Short Snorter: A Flight Nurse’s Service and Souvenir in WWII

A British soldier holds three dogs which were trained to carry messages between the lines and command during World War I.

For the Sake of Humans: Animal Casualties and Medical Testing in Modern War