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Write for Nursing Clio!

The editors of Nursing Clio ( welcome applications for new regular and guest bloggers for the site. The editors are especially looking for authors who write about the experiences of women of color and non-US topics. Interested authors should submit original essays of 800-1,500 words that include relevant hyperlinks as well as the author’s bio line, limited endnotes, and a list of further reading. Submissions should be accompanied by the author’s curriculum vitae or resume. Essays should be submitted as word documents (.doc or .docx), and authors should format according to the Nursing Clio Style Guide available on our website. All essays submitted to Nursing Clio are subjected to an open peer review process for content, style, and format. Authors should be sure that their essay is written in a voice suitable for blog publication and reflect the mission of Nursing Clio. Our editorial team welcomes essays based on a broad range of subjects and experiences, including original research, book reviews, memoirs, “Adventures in the Archives,” and other reflections. Submissions or inquiries should be sent to the editorial team at