Sunday Morning Medicine

Sunday Morning Medicine
A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news.
- Coffee, the Viagra of the 17th century.
- Punishing children in Victorian England.
- Did Jane Austin novels cure WWI depression?
- LGBT history? There’s an app for that.
- Clowns have a history of being scary.
- How to cure a bubble boy.
- A brief history of men’s underwear (get it, brief?)
- ‘Italian Schindler’ was a myth?
- The last person on earth to get smallpox.
- A horrifying tale of an 18th-century cesarean operation.
- French soldiers secretly filmed prison camp life during WWII.
- Does a 19th century painting tell a rare story of black life in the Antebellum South?
- Conservative flyers on disability initiatives include . . . wait for it . . . fake braille.
Jacqueline Antonovich is the creator and co-founder of Nursing Clio and served as executive editor from 2012 to 2021. She is an Assistant Professor of History at Muhlenberg College. Her current research focuses on women physicians, race, gender, and medical imperialism in the American West. Jacqueline received her PhD from the University of Michigan in 2018.
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