A black and white of photo of two lines of people holding slogans marching by each other.

Queering History: Back to School Edition

Sunday Morning Medicine

Black and white photo of adults and children lined up in front of a gazebo for a formal portrait

Cooperative Work and Public Health Nursing in Rural Wartime Japan

Proper Nurses: Regulating Nursing Care in the Royal Navy and the British Army in the 18th Century

A black-and-white group portrait taken under an arched doorway featuring two men in suits and women in doctor coats

Mission Nursing, Migration, and Mobility in Twentieth-Century Iran

Photo of a nurse midwife in teal scrubs holding a newborn along their forearm leaning over a bed

Blazing Trails for Midwifery

Sunday Morning Medicine

Copy of a pamphlet titled Irish Women United is Sisterhood Powerful

“A Basic Issue of Women’s Liberation”: The Feminist Campaign to Legalize Contraception in 1970s Ireland

Crowd in front of the White House holds up various signs, including "Abortion is murder."

Women Against Abortion: Inside the Largest Moral Reform Movement of the Twentieth Century, by Karissa Haugeberg

Group of people standing outside a courthouse with protest signs, some say "I am not a second class citizen"

The Same Red Blood?: AIDS, Homophobia, and an American Tradition of Hate