Photograph of a flea.

Fleas, Fleas, Fleas

Sunday Morning Medicine

a homeless woman holding her baby sitting against the wall on the street

On Poverty, Morality, and Mothering

My Experiences with Auto-Immunity and Why I Dislike the Term “Able-Bodied”

Poster shows emaciated human figures, representing various diseases, cower beneath a partially nude female figure, representing venereal disease, chained to a vulture.

VD in the Archives

Sunday Morning Medicine

White and green poster with yellow and green lettering. Title at top of poster. Visual images are color photo reproductions featuring dairy products, meat and other sources of protein, fruits and vegetables, and grain products. Cartoon-style illustrations of a milk bottle jumping rope, a t-bone lifting weights, a carrot doing toe touches, and a muscular potato accompany the photos. Publisher information in lower right corner.

The Cultural Logic of Calories and Body Types

Civil War Soldiers’ Wet Dreams

The Recovery Revolution: An Interview with Claire Clark

Women march with signs that say things like "Violence against us does not solve problems".

Race, Sex Education, and the Age of Consent in South Africa