Book jacket features a blurry photo of a man in a long black trench coat or cape walking by some carriages being pulled by horses. The Alienist is written across the top in yellow lettering.

Gilded Age Decadence and Decay: A Review of The Alienist

Sunday Morning Medicine

Photo of a red adobe walled courtyard with potted cacti and a tall domed tan building beyond the walls.

Health Care in Colonial Peruvian Convents

Black and white political cartoon showing President Taft as overweight.

The Weight of the Presidency

Sunday Morning Medicine

Medicina/Medicine: A Special Nursing Clio Series on Latin America and the Caribbean

A poster: Which woman should get an HIV test? All of them. A group of women at different ages in the center of the poster

Gender, Health, & Marginalization: National Responses to HIV/AIDS in the U.S. and Jamaica

Explicit: Censorship, Sexology, and Sexuality in Independent Ireland

Sunday Morning Medicine

Illustrated portrait of Thomas Hamblin, depicting a middle-aged man with curly hair, with his name in script font underneath.

“Instruction which she should avoid”: Reflections on 1830s Theater Manager Thomas Hamblin in the #MeToo Era