Photograph of a smiling woman with short dark hair. She is standing is a street. She is Marielle Franco.


Sunday Morning Medicine

Photo of a woman carrying an infant on her back in a colorful blanket/satchel.

The Politics of Sobreparto: Beyond the Medical Dimensions of a Postpartum Condition

Painting of a crowd of people surrounding a beleaguered looking woman in a torn nightgown; a belt (for chaining her up) is behind removed from around her waist.

What Would Philippe Pinel Do? Old and New Understandings of Mental Illness

Sunday Morning Medicine

Photo of a large group of young children, most with shaved heads, holding signs with anti-typhus messages in Spanish.

Climate Calamity: Lice, Typhus, and Gender in Mexico

Photo of vegetables in baskets on a table, with labels declaring prices.

Community Food Justice: An Interview with Garrett Broad

Sunday Morning Medicine

Poison and Protest: Sarah Bassett and Enslaved Women Poisoners in the Early Modern Caribbean

A white lady in a bomb ass hat bends over a man and cradles his head as she holds a glass to his lips

The Devastation of Peace: Otilia Noeckel and the Army Nurse Corps after the Great War