“Now I try to live my feminist politics in bed as well as elsewhere”

Sunday Morning Medicine

A crowd on a Dublin street holds up a purple banner with a picture of Savita Halappanavar spray painted on it and the words NEVER AGAIN next to her picture

A Referendum – and A Path Toward Reproductive Justice for Ireland?

A black and white picture of people protesting on the street, holding slogans

Joan Scott, Liberalism, and Abortion Rights

Sunday Morning Medicine

A page from a cookbook showing a recipe for a Jello-O salad including ingredients such as pear halves, cream cheese, and ginger. The image of the finished salad is a tall column-like shape which is white on the bottom with green jello on top, topped with pear halves.

How To Cook and Cure: Early Modern Recetas

Heterosexuality in Medicine

Poetry in America: An Interview with Leah Reis-Dennis

Taking Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy Seriously: Little Women on PBS

Thrown Open to the Public: Medicine, Modernity, and Disabled Veterans on National Hospital Day in the Interwar Years