Sunday Morning Medicine

Detail of a book cover showing red glowing neon lettering saying: "Aroused" in all capital letters.

When Did We Get So Hormonal? An Interview with Randi Hutter Epstein

The Dangerous Price of Diabetes: Not What the Pioneering Researchers Predicted

Large group of people marching in a protest holding signs, the largest reads: "Nasty woman."

I Was Trolled – Here’s Why I’m Turning It into a Teaching Opportunity

Sunday Morning Medicine

Photo of US Supreme Court building.

Whence Liberty? The Retirement of Anthony Kennedy

Illustration shows Uncle Sam as the "Pied Piper" playing a pipe labeled "Lax Immigration Laws" and leading a horde of rats labeled "Jail Bird, Murderer, Thief, Criminal, Crook, Kidnapper, Incendiary, Assassin, Convict, Bandit, Fire Brand, White Slaver, [and] Degenerate", and some carry signs that read "Black Hand" showing a black handprint. In the background, rulers from "France, Russia, Germany, Italy, Hungary/Austria, Turkey, [and] Greece", along with citizens of these countries, are cheering the fleeing rats.

From Mooktie to Juan: The Eugenic Origins of the “Defective Immigrant”

Sex, Death, and Atole at the Royal Indian Hospital

March & Gay-in poster on the wall, uncolored picture

Deconstructing the Stonewall Myth (Brick by Brick)

Sunday Morning Medicine