Sunday Morning Medicine

Repositioning the Family and the Household in a Global History of Abortion: The Case of Early-Twentieth-Century China

The Favorite Sister

On Infanticide and Reluctant Maternity: Between Personal Testimony and Historical Sensitivity

Sunday Morning Medicine

Are Our Smart Devices Turning Us into Dumb Humans?

I’m Not Crazy!: Abby Norman’s Ask Me About My Uterus: A Quest to Make Doctors Believe in Women’s Pain

Pinkie, Your Hospital Pal! Or, Why I Bought a Weird Old Hand Puppet on eBay

Sunday Morning Medicine

Six women in full-length operating gowns standing side by side behind a table with a partially dissected cadaver on it. A stool in the foreground has an open book on it and a human skeleton stands in the background.

When Legs and Arms Won: The Culture of Dissection and the Role of the Camera at the Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania