Six men stand at a table where a newborn child, whose umbilical cord is connected to placenta on the table. The strand is held by the professor Ruysch. On the far right is a boy who wears the skeleton of a child on a wooden base.

Anatomy of Generation

Wall art depicting a woman and a fetus in a womb with Nursing Clio logo superimposed over it.

Exploring Pregnancy Loss: A Nursing Clio Series

Sunday Morning Medicine

Photo of US Supreme Court building.

We Believe Survivors

The Angel of the Workhouse: The Body, and the Body Politic, of Victorian Women with Disabilities

Who is Dead?

A woman lies restrained in bed, apparently asleep.

Golden Girls, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and the Legacies of Hysteria

Family Separation Is Not Only an American Legacy — It’s a Racist One

Sunday Morning Medicine

An ornate gazabo sits beside a smooth pond surrounded by short cut grass and tall trees.

Between War and Water: Saratoga Springs and Veteran Health after the First World War