Soldiers standing in front of a stone wall. One man breathes into a canvas bag.

Bearing the Brunt of Their Father’s Service: Ex-Soldiers and Child Murder, 1914-1935

A color painting depicting a man in expensive-looking black and white robes performing an anatomical lecture with an audience in the background and a partially disected human body on the table in the foreground. The teacher fiture is indicating a part of a standing human skeleton and has a large book open behind him.

Medical Metaphors: The Long History of the Corrupted Body Politic

Two women holding each others' hands chatting, in a bright room

Deconstructing HIV and AIDS on The Golden Girls

Sunday Morning Medicine

A white lady in a bomb ass hat bends over a man and cradles his head as she holds a glass to his lips

“Everything Seems Wrong:” The Postwar Struggles of One Female Veteran of the First World War

Change over Time: A Colorado Love Story

Composite photo of graduates at Minneapolis, MN’s Carroll School of Chiropractic in 1920. The school’s founders, Stella and J.C. Carroll, are depicted, as are four female and four male graduates.

Truly Ambitious Women: Women Chiropractors and World War I

Sunday Morning Medicine

Give Thanks for Crossing Guards

Two women loading a stretcher into a WWI-era truck with two other people standing in the foreground.

“Battalion of Life”: American Women’s Hospitals and the First World War