Cupped hands hold buttons with the pride flag and raised fists.

In God’s Own Image: LGBT+ Community History at Lipscomb University

Scrabble tiles spell out PTSD.

Caring for the Past and Present Patient: The Need for Trauma-Informed Care for Children and Adolescents

Black and white photo of children eating a meal together

Have Crisis, Feed Kids

A group of people wearing rainbow colored shirts and carrying rainbow umbrellas stands in the rain

How To Be a Reproductive Justice Clinic Escort

City built up on a river

Pandemic Parenting and the Lessons of Nineteenth-Century Romantic Friendship

A naked back is overlaid with bright green letters that read, "Bodies in Doubt"

Bodies in Doubt, A New and Expanded Edition: An Interview with Elizabeth Reis

Peony bud before bloom

Informed Transitions

A pink pamphlet describing the readjustment that menopausal women must make, and "sound medical advice"

Learning What We Do Not Know: The History and Experience of Menopause

Two unidentified soldiers in Union cavalry uniforms with sword share a drink in front of painted backdrop showing camp

Manhood, Madness, and Moonshine

Demonstrators hold a sign reading "ACT UP Shreveport."

Acting Up and Fighting Back: Stories of ACT UP