By Jacqueline Antonovich
-Stethoscopes are really gross.
-The woman before Rosa Parks.
-The history of heroin addiction.
-Did slavery create modern medicine?
-Um…your earwax says a lot about you.
-Remembering Japan’s kamikaze pilots.
Now Available for Pre-Order RUTGERS UNIVERSITY PRESS or BOOKSHOP.ORG On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision overturned Roe v. Wade, [...]
Learn moreThe History and Politics of Reproduction, Before and After Roe A Syllabus Thank you for helping Nursing Clio create this syllabus, which we hope will [...]
Learn moreWhat follows is a reading list based upon a writing-based history course that Austin McCoy taught in the Fall of 2015. While teaching the course, [...]
Learn moreIn 2016, we - the Nursing Clio editorial collective - were excited to be living in a historic moment that (we believed) would see the [...]
Learn moreNursing Clio Prize for Best Journal Article The Nursing Clio Prize for Best Journal Article is awarded annually for the best peer-reviewed academic journal article on the [...]
Learn moreBy Jacqueline Antonovich
-Stethoscopes are really gross.
-The woman before Rosa Parks.
-The history of heroin addiction.
-Did slavery create modern medicine?
-Um…your earwax says a lot about you.
-Remembering Japan’s kamikaze pilots.
By Helen McBride
As Ireland moves away from its uneasy coalition with the Catholic church, the issue of gay rights in Ireland is gaining more traction. The upcoming same-sex marriage referendum has resulted in gay rights being discussed on Irish television. On the January 11 edition of the Saturday Night Show on RTÉ, Ireland’s national broadcaster, Rory O’Neill (aka Ireland’s arguably most famous Drag Queen, Panti Bliss) became the center of a national controversy over gay rights and homophobia in Ireland. During his live on-air interview with host Brendan O’Connor, O’Neill described a number of Irish journalists as well as a pressure group named the Iona Institute as homophobic in their views toward same-sex marriage.
By Cheryl Lemus
I have a scar just under my chin that I received as a young girl when I fell into a small bush with very sharp edged branches. The wound was very deep, and it bled like a broken faucet. Of course, I screamed and cried. My mother probably should have taken me to the emergency room, but she belonged to the generation that believed you only visited the hospital if you were dying. A bleeding chin did not meet the criteria, so I covered the cut with Aloe Vera and wore a lot of band aids. The cut took a long time to heal, and as I watched the redness fade, I was happy that the scar was just below my chin because no one could see it unless they looked closely. Even as a young girl, I understood that scars were unfeminine.
By Jacqueline Antonovich
-Very awkward vintage ads.
-Mark Twain’s advice to little girls.
-23 amazing Black History Tumblrs.
-9 beautiful buildings we tore down.
-What Honest Abe’s appetite can tell us.
-Was knitting a secret weapon in WWII?
By Carolyn Herbst Lewis
We don’t have water. The pipes running through our walls are dry. I discovered this situation nine mornings ago. I woke to visit Aunt Nellie, as my great aunt would say, and, after contemplating the meaning of life, I rose, I flushed, and I washed my hands. Except where water once flowed at my beck and call, now there was none. By the end of the day, the plumbers would deliver the verdict: no water was reaching our meter, and there was no break in any of the lines. After two bouts with the polar vortex, the temps of the previous few days, hovering right around the zero mark, had allowed the frost layer to reach deeper than it had ever been. Roughly three times deeper, in the estimation of the local farmers. Somewhere along the eighty feet of pipe running between our meter and the city main (most probably the section that had been repaired last summer and thus is now sitting in disturbed earth, but no one can say for sure without exploratory digging), there is a freeze. All we can do is hope for a thaw.
By Carrie Adkins
Last Tuesday, February 11, the German athlete Carina Vogt became the first woman to win an Olympic gold medal in the women’s ski jump event. The sport itself is not new; ski jumping dates back to the early twentieth century, and men have been competing in the event at the Olympics since 1924. But until these 2014 games in Sochi, the International Olympic Committee refused again and again to allow women to participate – even when faced with mounting pressure from female skiers who wanted to compete in the 2006 and 2010 games.
And their rationale for denying women entry was incredibly stupid.
By Jacqueline Antonovich
-Vintage divorce postcards.
-Photos from 1938 Mardi Gras.
-A history of sex and chocolate.
-Hemingway ephemera digitized.
-A 19th century map of matrimony.
-25 historic images of breastfeeding.
By Sean Cosgrove
I like Valentine’s Day. Its initials give me pause for thought sometimes — perhaps they are so appropriate as to be off-putting (‘V.D.’ anyone?) — but overall it strikes me as a formalized excuse to show the people you care about that you love them. Last year, I even wrote up a little piece urging us to broaden our definitions of relationships to include the bromance in the Valentine’s festivities! So, when I say that I want your Valentine’s Day plans to be a success, I really do mean it.
By Elizabeth Reis
It’s complicated for a person who cares about intersex, as I do, to grapple with the growing body of scientific evidence that environmental pollutants are producing an increase in genital and reproductive anomalies in animals and possibly even in humans. I have always understood intersex differences to be “normal” variations. We know that intersex has always existed (it’s discussed in the Talmud, for instance); and we need to recognize that not all bodies match conventional expectations or fit neatly into the sex binary. At the same time, I deplore the way that toxic chemicals, which have multiplied astonishingly in our world since the mid-twentieth century, are polluting our environments and causing harmful changes to our bodies. Intersex isn’t inherently a problem, but what if it was caused by one? How can I argue that intersex is a normal divergence in sex development and at the same time abhor the toxic degradation of our earth, which seems to be afflicting us, transforming our bodies in “unnatural” ways?
By Jacqueline Antonovich
-A new Jane Austen mystery.
-Virginity myths that won’t die.
-100 years of the “perfect body.”
-Charles Dickens and his women.
-Not all monument men were men.
-Wikipedia to start archiving voices.
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