Wondering About Wonder Foods: An Interview with Lisa Haushofer

Sepiatone photograph of dozens of white men standing on the steps of a university building.

Race and Early American Medical Schools: Review of Christopher D.E. Willoughby’s Masters of Health: Racial Science and Slavery in U.S. Medical Schools

Painting of Two lepers are denied entry into the city. One has crutches; the other is wearing Lazarus dress, handbag and rattle, to announce his coming.

Have Leprosy, Will Travel: A Case of Early Modern Medical Tourism

A stock image of a pair of black glasses sitting on top of an open book

Announcing the Nursing Clio Writers-in-Residence Program 

AMargaret Stillwell stands in a gclassroom in front of a small lectern, between two busts of men's heads.

Collaboration: A Margaret Bingham Stillwell Imprint

A mutliracial man and East Asian woman laugh together in an office setting.

Men and Women Can (and Should) Be Friends in the Modern Workplace

A group of Buffalo Bills football players congregate on the field

On Football, War, and Trauma

Illustration used by the Eugenics Society

Eugenics Was Wrong Even When It Got It Right

Oil painting of a woman wearing red. She has flowers in her hair and holds a crown.

I am a survivor: Childhood Sexual Abuses Collections & the Archives

An x ray showing a chest cavity, plus a slice of a lung

Disability (and) Politics: The Fetterman Fiasco of Fall 2022